Norton safe dns
If you have been using Norton ConnectSafe, then you should quickly switch over to some other reliable DNS servers such as OpenDNS, Google DNS or Cloudflare.
The first one mentioned below is just to block malware, spam and phishing sites.
Norton ConnectSafe est un service gratuit qui offre une première couche de défense à votre réseau domestique en bloquant automatiquement les sites non sécurisés. En fonction du fabricant de votre routeur, les étapes de configuration du routeur peuvent varier. Les étapes suivantes sont fournies à titre de référence.
Localice y abra los ajustes del DNS. Encontrará la opción de configuración del DNS bajo los ajustes de la WAN. En los cuadros del servidor DNS preferido y el servidor DNS alterno, escriba las dos direcciones IP de Norton ConnectSafe de la política de filtro de contenido que desea utilizar. Norton ConnectSafe ofrece las siguientes tres políticas de filtrado de contenido predefinidas para.
Norton ConnectSafe.
Norton ConnectSafe was a free public DNS service offered by Symantec Corporation that claimed to offer a faster and more reliable web browsing experience while blocking undesirable websites. The service was retired on November 15, 2018. History. The service was opened to the public in June 2010. Norton ConnectSafe retirement has been announced and is planned to occur November 15, 2018. A DNS server converts the readable form of web addresses like into numerical IP addresses like .102.7.104. Norton has introduced Norton ConnectSafe public DNS servers for free public use. Norton ConnectSafe DNS servers can block malicious sites, phishing sites, scam sites, in addition to pornographic and non-family friendly websites. Anybody can use the Norton ConnectSafe public.
Norton Family has tools that show you what your kids are doing online and flag unsafe behavior so you can talk about it.
I will try to use Norton DNS Connect Safe. Thank you again or the help. Sandro. Sandro. Rousseau32. Contributeur Régulier 5. Insc: 2013-01-28. Messages: 112.
Solutions: 1. Remerciements: 5. Remerciements 0. Re: Norton Dns aka Connect Safe. I wanted to book mark this thread and compare it up against a couple DNS bench tests. Since I am using NIS. Norton ConnectSafe DNS is shutting down and announced that it will go offline on November 15th, 2018.
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